We had the privilege of seeing Joseph and his family back in February. He was granted a wish from the Make-A-Wish Foundation and chose to come to Indiana and meet with Coach Tony Dungy. It was the trip of a lifetime for their family.
I would like to ask you to pray for Joseph and his family. They are going through a really difficult time right now. He is having a major, major surgery tomorrow morning that they are flying a surgeon in from China to perform it because he is the man who invented the procedure being done. God is on the throne and in control. But I'm sure the family would appreciate a little extra agreement for their needs to be met right now.
I'm encouraged when travel through Bloggy Land by how many sisters in the faith I find. So, I thank you for your love and prayers for my friends, Joseph, and his family.
XO, Pam
We will definately pray for little Joseph.