Happy Good Friday, Y'all! I don't have any earth shattering information today. As a matter of fact, it seems like my writing well has been a little dry lately. So, I'll just share a few goings on with you.
I have been working on trying to get better at time management and keeping my day organized. Any tips would be appreciated. But, I have been staying on top of laundry a little better as of late. I'm absolutely astounded how much laundry 3 people can accumulate. It's not normal, I tell ya.
I'm also making an effort to be more regimented with home school. I tend to be more of a "fly by the seat of my pants" personality. I need to work on that. We did order our curriculum for next year, though. It came yesterday. It's always exciting when those boxes show up on the doorstep. It's almost like Christmas. I feel all tingly inside with the hopes of a fresh year, a fresh start and the hopes of finally staying on our schedule. Just let me dream, OK?
I have been able to work on a couple of small projects this week. I'll show pictures soon. But, I will say that I'm really digging Mod Podge right now. I'm accessorizing my kitchen with it. I managed to get both of my pillows made for the living room chairs. I have extra fabric left over from that. Now the little wheels in my head are churning about where I can use it next. Table runner, maybe? Hmm...can you see the smoke coming out of my ears? I STILL need to get those couch pillows done, though, dang it!
I'm really stoked about tonight. Next week is our 14 year anniversary and MW is whisking me away to a hotel for the night. YAY ME! It has a hot tub in the room, so I'm thinking we'll be spending a lot of time in there. And that's all I have to say about that!
Well, I have a big day of learnin', shoppin', and primpin' planned, so I need to be going. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Easter!
XO, Pam
Have a great time celebrating your anniversary! I love new curriculum too, it's always nice to start a new fresh year.