
Friday, November 18, 2011

New Skin Care Series

I've recently been giving my blog a nice little make-over.  In the process, I realized that I hardly had any posts on skin care.  Speaking of make-overs, my skin care routine has done a complete turn-about in the past several years.  

When I was a teenager I had horrible cystic acne.  I spent about 3 years seeing a dermatologist.  Not only was it ugly, but it was painful.  Sometimes it even hurt to talk or smile.  My dermatologist once told me my hormones were going wild and landing on my face.  I went through every treatment and medication known at that time, save for one (more on that in a sec.).  These lotions, potions and treatments left me looking like "Lizard Lady".  My face would literally peel.  It was awful.  Finally, my dermatologist wanted to put me on a medication called Acutane.  Ever heard of it?  Nasty stuff. Even then my teenage self wasn't comfortable with a medication that required weekly blood draws and that could cause severe birth defects - to treat acne.  I ended up finally going on birth control pills and that cleared my skin up within a month.  You know, the whole hormone thing.  Well, I'm not so sure about that whole route at this point in life, but it was what it was.  I was even required (by my dermatologist) to use specific washes, lotions and make-up during that time.

I told you all that to say this - I wish that I had known then what I know now. I truly believe that I could have had great results without all of the medication or side effects.  I still have some hormonal issues today that I'm working on, but honestly, my skin has never looked better.  So, I feel it's fitting to share some of the things that have helped me in regards to skin care.  Ironically, the thing I get the most compliments on is my complexion.  Can you say, "Grace of God"?  

One thing I have noticed as I've switched to more natural skin care items is that not only do they improve my skin, they improve my pocket book.  It's amazing how much more inexpensive this type of skin care regime is compared to even the drug store brand skin care lines.  And, if you're currently using high end products, you can save some serious dough.

So, tomorrow I'm going to kick off this series by starting in the place where it all began for me...toners.

Hope to see you then!

UPDATE:  As I write posts in this series, I am going to link them here as well as in the "Natural Skin & Body Care" tab at the top of the top of the blog to make it easy to find them.

Witch Hazel Toner
Rose Water Toner
The Oil Cleansing Method
Natural Bar Soap
Eye Cream
Baking Soda Exfoliator
Sugar Scrub Exfoliator
Pimple Buster
Hot Oil Treatment
Two More Toners
Egg Yolk Mask
Lavender & Chamomile Salve

I'm linking this up at The Homestead Barn HopMonday ManiaReal Food 101, Hearth and Soul Blog HopTeach Me TuesdaysFrugal Days - Sustainable WaysWildcrafting WednesdaysSimple Lives Thursday and Living Well Blog Hop.


  1. This is AWESOME! I eagerly look forward to all that you share.

  2. I most definitely will be following-I can't wait to try your natural skin care recipes! Thanks for sharing them. :-)

  3. I'm going to keep an eye on this post! At 25, I have way worse acne than I ever did as a teenager. I think my diet is partly to blame, but one consistent issue is hormone related cystic acne on my chin. It is awful! Right now I use straight tea tree oil on the pimples, and they do clear up, but I would prefer to prevent the suckers from the get go...

  4. Hi Pam,

    What a great post! :) Would you mind sharing it on Wildcrafting Wednesday? I'm sure my readers would love it! :)

  5. Hi there, I'm excited to find this blog with skin care tips, which I will read momentarily. My only question is: Now that you use this regime, are you off birth control? Or does the BC still help your skin?

    I've never seen great gains with my skin on BC and have had negative physical and emotional responses to it. I'm loathe to get back on just to clear up my hormone related breakouts!

    Thank you.

  6. Nice info thanks for sharing with Hearth and soul blog hop.

  7. Arizona Escapee,

    I have been off birth control for nearly 20 years now. I believe it helped my acne in my teens because my acne was caused from hormonal issues. I know that all acne is hormonal to some extent, but it was a huge factor for me. Everyone has to make their own choices, but after learning more about BC I personally would not choose to go back on it again. That's why I'm pursuing other other avenues to keep my skin healthy. At the time, with my choices and knowledge, BC was the only option that I was aware of. I wouldn't recommend that you go on BC simply to clear up your skin, especially since you have reactions to it - but I'm no doctor. You might want to get with a doctor and have your hormone levels checked to find out if that could be the cause. Or, a much less costly approach would be to cut out gluten and limit other grains for a few months and see if you notice any results. I know that personally, I have low thyroid function and progesterone so my doctor has me doing some things to naturally raise those levels. But, I have had much success by using the natural skin care approach and eliminating processed foods from my diet. I hope you find something that works for you. If you want to pick my brain further, feel free to e-mail me at :0)

  8. Looking forward to your upcoming posts! :-)

  9. Great information, thanks for sharing with the Hearth and Soul hop.

  10. Thank you for sharing this post with the Hearth and Soul hop. I look forward to your upcoming posts on natural skin care!

  11. Thanks, very much for a Great post. It is so informative. Really excellent to read.

  12. I have used thayers brand Rose water witch Hazil for a long time and love the combo. I get it from Dover natural food. Im almost 41 and NOBODY ever believes me when I tell them. They ask what I do and I tell them sunscreen and thayers and always clean my face before bed.eating clean food helps too.

    1. So glad to hear that you love it, too! It really does make a difference!

  13. That is an all containing series for skin care.

  14. THANK YOU! This is so awsome! I have to admit the oil cleanser I was super nervous about because like you said I was told my whole life that oils on your face is bad bad bad.......but the first time I used it I fell in love! I also have started useing the toners and eye cream and they are sooooo great! My skin looks better than it has in a very long time! I have really enjoyed your blog and just wanted to let you know you are awsome!!!! Thank You agian:-)

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words! I'm so glad you're finding success with natural skin care!!

  15. I love reading your web blog. This is such a great share. Would love to hear more of your stories.

  16. I'm new to your blog and so grateful I found it. Thank you. I have it bookmarked. The natural skin care and saving money is right up my alley.

  17. Can u use the eye cream as a face cream???


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