
Thursday, April 5, 2012


Alright, lovely readers...I need your help. I don't usually post twice in one day. Heck, lately, I don't even post once a day! But, here's the deal...

I'm having a giveaway on PURE YANKABILLY'S Facebook page for a 4 ounce jar of Green Goodness Healing Balm ~ IF we hit 100 'likes'. Y'all, we only need 3 more. THREE MORE!

Let me quickly share a bit about Green Goodness. This stuff is UH-MAZING! Amazing, I say! Here's why...This wonder-worker will instantly take the pain or itch out of burns, bites, stings or scrapes. It removes boils, quickly heals and soothes cold sores, quickly heals (or prevents) new bruises, heals diaper rash, fungal infections (think ringworm/athlete's foot), topical yeast infections and so much more! On top of it all it's all organic! Yee-haw! 

So, will you help a sistah out? Go here and "like" PURE YANKABILLY on Facebook and you'll be entered to win this amazing healing balm, too. Let's do this ASAP, K?

Thank you! You're awesome, wonderful and amazing!

Thank you all SO much! You did it! We hit the mark!


  1. I've pushed it up to 99! My page is Daisy Patchwork Handmade Goodies and Fabrics :)

  2. I would if I had FB! I hope you get 100 today!

  3. Where are you Pam!? Everything ok?

    1. Hi Kimberly!

      Thanks for your concern, but everything is fine. I bet you thought I'd turned to poop and the hogs ate me! Or, maybe it's just my family that are weirdo enough to use that expression... Either way, I've just been super swamped trying to get things with my new business set up while balancing homeschool, homeschool group and keeping my family fed and clothed. :-) Sadly, my blogging time has severely suffered. I've got some ideas for posts, I just need the time to pull them together. I'll work on getting one out this next week 'cause I do miss y'all! Thanks for checking in on me. :) I hope you have a happy Mother's Day!



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