
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Facial Cleansers - The Oil Cleansing Method

I think many of us are tired of paying out the wazoo for products that make grand claims and rarely deliver.  We want to get back to the basics - keep it simple, keep it cheap, get the job done.  As with anything in life, I don't believe there is one magic bullet or end all - be all to skin care.  Each person has unique skin and sometimes you just have to experiment a little to find out what works for YOU.  However, I do believe (because I'm experiencing it myself) that natural is better.  I think that if we'll get out of the way with all of our synthetic and chemical treatments, then our skin will respond and begin to function like God intended for it to.  Sometimes, there is a detox period with our body attempting to rid itself of all the gunk we've been filling it with.  But, I just want to encourage you to hang in there if you find this happening.

Also, what we put on our skin is only a part of what determines how healthy our skin is.  What we put into our bodies contributes, too.  For instance, as I mentioned when I kicked off this series, I had terrible, hormonal, cystic acne when I was a teenager.  I'm still battling my hormones, but my skin is so much better.  In addition to my skin care routine, I have learned that hormones are directly tied to insulin, which is directly tied to refined carbs and gluten.  That's why I've had to go gluten free - to help balance my hormones.  But, for the purpose of this series I'm simply sticking to skin care.  I make no claims to know everything there is about this subject.  I'm just a chick who has battled with acne, dry skin and a tight budget.  Plus, I'd really like to not look like "Leather Head".  :0)  I am in a continual process of learning about health and skin care.  I read about it.  A lot.  And, I use myself as a guinea pig.  I simply want to share some things that I have personally found to be of virtue.  So, with no further adieu, we are moving from toners on to cleansers.  Ready?  This one really sounds wacky...


I know, we're taught not to put oil on our faces.  It clogs our pores and causes break-outs.  Right?  Oh, so wrong!  Here's why:  Our bodies make oil, fact of life.  It isn't some sinister scheme to cause 'pizza face' and load us with embarrassment and shame.  Our skin makes oil for a much grander, benevolent purpose - it heals, protects and moisturizes the skin so it functions properly.  Properly functioning skin is healthy, beautiful skin.  When we strip away the natural oils with harsh cleansers and chemicals, the skin goes into red alert mode and begins producing MORE oil to make up for what it lost.  It puts us into a cycle of having tight, dry skin then to something you could fry an egg on if the sun was high enough in the sky.  That approach is really counter-intuitive.  So, our goal is to learn to work with our skin and stop fighting it.  "And, just how are we going to do this?", you might ask?  Drum roll please...

By using the oil cleansing method.  Oil actually dissolves oil.  We are actually going to use 2 different oils for this.  The first is Castor oil.  Yes, the stuff your grandparents or parents have nightmares about ingesting.  I have 2 different bottles (I forgot I had already bought a back-up.).  One says it's for cosmetic use and flannel packs and the other says it's a stimulant laxative.  But, really it's just different marketing 'cause they're exactly the same.  Buy whatever you can get your mitts on.

Castor oil is anti-inflammatory (pimples anyone?) and has wonderful healing and cleansing properties.  It travels deep into the pores to lift dirt, make-up and grime to the surface where it can be wiped away.  Castor oil is a thicker oil and can be drying if too much is used.  For both of these reasons we need to blend it with a carrier oil.  A 4 oz. bottle of Castor oil should be under $5 and will last a long time.

I have used both extra virgin olive oil and grapeseed oil as my secondary oil.  Other recommended choices include sunflower seed oil and coconut oil.  I don't have experience with either of these oils and would personally stay away from coconut oil in this instance because it becomes solid at room temperature.  To me it's easier to keep it in liquid form.  Anyway...Not only does the carrier oil help to transport the Castor oil deep into your pores, it has essential fatty acids which is needed in cell membranes and helps to restore moisture and prevent dryness.  You probably have one of these oils in your cabinet right now, so your out-of-pocket cost would be nada.  Otherwise, go get yourself a bottle of EVOO from the dollar store.  It won't cost much and I promise, we're going to use the snot out of it. :0)

The ratio of Castor oil to carrier oil depends on your skin type.  If you tend to have dry skin like I do, use more of your carrier oil.  If you have more oily skin, use more Castor oil.  A good rule of thumb is as follows:
                     Dry Skin:  10% Castor oil to 90% carrier oil
                     Normal Skin:  20% Castor oil to 80% carrier oil
                     Oily Skin:  30% Castor oil to 70% carrier oil

I have even seen some recipes for a 50/50 blend of the two oils.  This isn't rocket science.  There's no need to get out the weights and measures.  Just eye-ball it.  If you think the mix isn't right after using it, add more of one of the oils.

I used to keep my cleansing oil blend in a small jar that I would just shake up and stick my fingers in to use.  Now, I have it in this old Rosewater bottle with a flip lid.  It really doesn't matter what you use so long as it's easy for you to use.  If you make it difficult you won't do it.  I saw the little sample bottles with these type of lids this weekend for $1 at the superstore and 2 for $1 at the dollar store.  I just chose to use what I had on hand.

Now that you have your supplies bought and assembled, you need to know what to do with them.  It's easy peasy.  You can take off your eye make-up first if you like, but it's not necessary 'cause this stuff right here will do the job.


Pour about a quarter sized amount of your oil cleanser into your hand and massage into your dry face.  Take a minute or two and massage it in really well, concentrating on your problem areas.  You want to give it every opportunity to get deep down in those pores to dissolve the yuckies. :0)  While you're doing this heat a wash cloth under hot running tap water.

Once you have sufficiently massaged the oil into your skin, wring out the hot wash cloth and lay over your face until it cools.  I usually do this twice.  This allows the steam from the wash cloth to open up your pores so the impurities can be wiped away.

After your cloth has cooled, you simply use it to wipe away the dirt and oil.  That's it.  You can now apply toner and moisturizer if you like.


I did this to my husband after he had just stepped out of the shower.  He was blown away by the amount of dirt that came out of his pores even after just washing his face.

I usually do this in the mornings or as I'm stepping into the shower.  I can rinse my hair and steam my face at the same time.

If you do this before bed, you shouldn't need to wash your face in the morning.  A splash of cold water on the face will do the trick.

Don't feel like you have to do this every day.  A few times a week when you think of it will wonders.

For more information on the OCM see

Go here to view other posts in this series.

So, what do you think?  Have you ever tried the OCM?  Would you give it a shot for healthier, more balanced skin?

Join me tomorrow for another easy cleansing method!


  1. I just discovered your blog and I love it!

    I can't wait to try the facial cleanser suggestions. Thanks!

  2. I have never tried this, but it sounds intriguing. I will try it. Of course, I'm old enough that if I get a pimple, I hold a ribbon cutting, but even so.... just saying... ;)

  3. Rik - Thank you! Let me know how you like it. :)

    loves2spin - You totally cracked me up! Thanks.

  4. Ok, I've done this for about a week or so now. I have a few questions if you have a minute.

    How often am I supposed to do the deep oil cleanse?

    What do I do in the morning if I do the cleanse the night before?

    I haven't noticed a difference. Not better not worse. The only difference so far is that I cleanse about 3 times a week & use witch hazel toner and olive oil moisturizer in the morning. Is there something else I should be doing?

    Thank you!

  5. Rik - I'm happy to answer any questions that I can. :0) There really aren't any cut and dry rules for how often you do the OCM. Each person's skin is different. If your skin isn't feeling too dry right now you may want to up the amount of times that you oil cleanse at first. Also, you may want to increase the amount of castor oil that is in your blend - unless your face feels dry. Here is an excerpt from the article I linked to above that may help:

    This deep cleansing method should be done regularly, but not too frequently. You'll know if you're deep cleansing too frequently by the dryness that your skin will exhibit. Don't be surprised if you find you've unblocked an oil flow for the first few days. Once you remove the plugs from your pores, they will begin functioning properly again. Perfect skin won't happen overnight and while it should take a few massages to achieve your goal, you should notice a huge difference in your skin after the first deep cleansing massage. Give your skin a few days to adjust and adapt to being clean and clear of blockages; understand that the new oil coming from your skin is actually a good sign and will balance out very shortly. You'll find redness and irritation subsiding. You'll find your skin losing that "congested," and thick feeling.

    One other thing I have read: Some people have found that the OCM doesn't work for them as well with olive oil as a base. I did not find that to be the case myself. But, if you still aren't noticing a difference by the time you're done with your current batch, you might want to try making a small batch with one of the other 3 oils recommended.

    When you cleanse you face at night, the only thing necessary in the morning is to go over your skin with a warm wash cloth (no soap) or just a splash of cold water. Over-cleansing can throw off the Ph of the skin and cause issues.

    This is a very personal cleansing method and sometimes it takes a bit of experimenting to find what works best for you. I would just encourage to keep at it, even if it's only a couple of times a week. I hope this answered your questions. Let me know of your progress. I appreciate you keeping me updated. :0)


  6. Thanks! I'll play around with it a little more. Overall
    I'll keep you posted.

    Happy December!

  7. I am beginning to use more natural products and I can't wait to try this. One question-if I only do this a couple of times a week, what should I use to cleanse my face the rest of the time? I would really like to stick to something natural. Thanks so much!!!

  8. Farmer Mom ~ The best approach I've found when switching over to more natural solutions is to just use up what I've already been using first, and then when that's gone I move on to the better stuff. I've used a variety of products over the years that were "better", but the thing that I've settled on as simple, effective and frugal is just an all natural bar soap. I have written a blog post about why I feel it's a great choice in my skin care series if you want to read more about it. It is also listed under the "Natural Skin and Body Care" tab. I hope that helps. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer! :0)

  9. A little off-topic, but what would you suggest for this problem. I am nearly 63. I don't really have trouble with dry or oily skin, but the skin on the back of my poor hands has become quite thin and "papery." Is there any way to strengthen the skin through moisturizing? I find it rather easy to hurt myself - the skin will tear easily when abraded. Ideas?

  10. loves2spin ~ I'm really not sure if that can be totally turned around or not. I know my dad and MIL deal with the same issue. If it were me, personally, I would just use one of the oils from my 'moisturizing' post because those oils do have benefits. If I come across anything as I learn more that talks about repairing thin skin, I'll be sure to let you know, though. Also, you may want to check out my post on water kefir. There may be some benefit in that for you. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  11. I have been doing the OCM method for almost a year now and let me tell you it has been a blessing! My whole life I have tried sooooo many products to clear up my acne and nothing ever consistently worked. The OCM method is easy, cheap, natural, and super effective! All of the BS acne products at the store strip away your natural oils and only deal with whats on the surface. OCM however is not harsh and goes deep down to really clean out your pores. I do it everyday at night with a blend of 75% castor oil and 25% jojoba oil. I know this blend is a bit high in castor oil but to cure bad acne this is the way to go IMO.

  12. I have dry skin and just cannot wait to try this. I am so happy that I came across your blog and bookmarked it. Thanks!

  13. I have been doing this for several years...also use for makeup removal. LOVE how soft my middle aged skin is.

  14. Hi Pam. I just started using the OCM method a few weeks ago. My skin is very sensitive and I was having allergic reactions to countless facial products so I am truly hoping this will do the trick. I tried using pure organic olive oil at first, but my skin started flaking (I have not blended in castor oil since I understand that can further dry). I thought maybe the flaking was an allergic reaction to the OO so I switched to avocado oil and I have some improvement. Subsequently my pores have never been cleaner or smaller. It is amazing to watch the change and I'm excited to continue. However I am still having dryness and flakiness. I am using it everyday as I don't have an alternative cleanser that doesn't cause redness and irritation. Can you make any recommendations?

    1. Hi Cynthia,

      I'm so happy that the avocado oil is helping. I must say, I'm surprised that you didn't react well to EVOO. Have you ever tried cleansing with a pure/organic bar of soap? They usually range in price from $3 - $5 a bar. It sounds like your skin is super sensitive, so I don't have a sure-fire recommendation for you. But, I'll give you a list of a few oils you might want to try based on some of my research.

      Apricot kernel oil, extra virgin coconut oil, evening primrose oil, grapeseed oil, hempseed oil, jojoba oil or sweet almond oil might be good ones to try. Jojoba oil is supposed to very good at regulating both over-active and under-active oil glands.

      Do you have an e-mail that I could reach you at where I could share a few more things with you? Or, you can e-mail me if you're interested at

      I truly hope that keep me posted as I'd be very interested in finding out what does and doesn't work for you. :0)

      Have a wonderful day,

  15. Sometimes, in an effort to help skin conditions, we over-treat, and can actually macerate our skin and make it impossible for it to heal unless we give it a lot of rest. When all else fails, just use warm water and pat dry with a soft cloth that doesn't have any laundry residue on it. It might take quite a long time for your skin to regenerate. I have experienced this once myself and once with one of our babies. Another thing I'll mention is that I have 3 teenage grandchildren that are successfully treating their acne with a mixture of half water and half raw apple cider vinegar.

  16. I am really excited to try this! I bought Castor Oil today and already have EVOO on hand. Here is my question, though. (Two actually!) First, I plan on doing the OCM at night since I wear make-up - Everyday Minerals. I also usually use a bit of Neurtragena Pure Moisturizer with SPF 50 every morning. On the days I don't OCM at night, what do I do? Just rinse with water? Will that get everything out of my pores? Also, I work out every morning and get sweaty. Do I just rinse with water in the shower after I work out? My current MO is to use Kiss My Face Pure Olive Oil bar for washing my face at night and in the morning I use a homemade honey/clove/lemon juice mask while I am in the shower. I am just scared that the sweating and the use of makeup and moisturizer will clog up my already acne-prone skin if I don't wash with something every night. But it seems like I should be doing that? Thanks so much for your help! I love your blog!

    1. HI Stephanie! First of all, thank you! I'm honored that you like my blog. :0) As far as skin care... I just use the OCM as an addition to my regular skin care routine. So, on the nights that you don't do the OCM, I would just wash with the Kiss My Face bar you already use. You're right in assuming that you don't want to leave the make-up on your face before bed. Just keep your regular routine since that is working for you and swap out the OCM a few nights a week for your regular face wash. Let me know how it's working for you!


    2. I tried it last night, and while I think I need to adjust my oils a tad (my skin is really dry right now - we live in CO)the difference is amazing! I woke up this morning after only getting 2-3 hours of sleep (my son was up ALL night!) and my skin looked incredible! Still dry, but more even toned then it has ever been! I am in my mid-30s and still have acne, so I am hoping that this proves to work! Thank you so much!

    3. I hope it works for you, too! It's encouraging to hear that you did notice a difference this morning after being up most of the night. I don't envy those days. :0) I'll be looking forward to hearing about your progress!

  17. I don't wear makeup so I can't comment on night washing. What I've been doing (with success) is oiling my face in the morn and letting it soak in while I get dressed. Then I just wipe off the oil like I would a facial cleanser. I try to use it when I shower so my pores can steam a few times a week.
    The part I use to find hardest was making time to steam my face every morning. I'm still getting results with just a scrubbing.

    1. Thanks for weighing in on what is working for you! The shower is a great time time to do the OCM. The awesome thing about this is there isn't one right way. :0)

  18. I'd never ever heard of this before, but a few weeks ago decided that I was sick of soap and would clean my face with olive oil on a cotton ball. I love it! And now I've seen multiple posts about cleansing with oil ~ yours being the most informative. Thank you!

  19. Just found your blog..and I've been an OCM user for a couple years now. I've switched up my carrier oil from EVOO to sunflower seed oil and it was a good change for me. My skin loves the OCM and my wallet loves it too!

    1. Hi Christa! I used sunflower seed oil in my last batch and really liked it, too. :-) I had Lasik eye surgery last week and haven't been able to get any water near my eyes, so I was especially thankful to be able to oil cleanse this week! I loved knowing that I could fully clean my face without soap and water. Great skincare doesn't have to cost a fortune. Glad to meet a fellow OCMer! :-)

  20. LOVE this...ADORE this. Cleared my chin up overnight I swan ! Today is my first day back at work after several days off and 2 sessions of oil cleansing. I didn't even use my pricey stuff under my make up, just some of your eye cream and some grapeseed oil. I was a bit worried my makeup might "slide off" , nope - not at all !
    I am really excited about the ease of making it, the control over what's in my products , and of course saving a big ol' passle of money.
    thank you for sharing this information. Could you get your product development department working on hair gel for curly hair please, grin and giggle.

    1. Yay!!!I'm so glad you've found success with natural products!!!

  21. Hi Pam,
    I'm a lil confuse about the OCM method: I wear make-up everyday. Will the OCM remove my make-up? Or do I have to remove my make up with my cleanser and then do the OCM? Help!

    1. You can use it to take your make-up off if you like. I will usually remove my eye make-up first, though. I don't want to ruin my wash cloths. :-) It does just fine at removing make-up and leaving your skin very clean, though, if that is your preference.

  22. I have been using the OCM method now since July and my skin has changed dramatically! I have had oily and acne prone skin for a long time and no commercial product can do what OCM has done for me in 6 months! Thank you for putting out an informative and helpful post! I plan to keep playing around with my oil mixture. Raw Shea butter makes an awesome night time moisturizer in case anyone wants to know! My skin is sooo soft when I wake up! Keep up the great posts!

    1. So happy for you!! Thanks for tip about the shea butter. :-)

  23. I've been doing this for a year or so and people ask me what I do to my skin to stay so young looking. (I'm over 50.) I use castor oil and alternate with Almond oil and jojoba oil I bought a cheap pack of white washcloths to remove makeup at night. Another thing I do is rub the oil on my face before a shower in the morning and my face is so soft after! I also drink 2 TBS of apple cider vinegar(Braggs) everyday. This gives my skin a glow and gives me lots of energy!

    1. I'm glad to meet another OCM convert! Sometimes it's hard for people to believe the simplest things are the most effective. Kudos to you on drinking the ACV. I've tried and I just can't do it. I can take CLO, but not that stuff. Weird...

  24. Pam, I am (71) very active, busy senior! My skin is very dry. I was using a Dr. prescribed moisture cream and cleasner. On my own I began to use good old vasoline as my moisture treatment and found it to greatly help the dry condition. My question to you is do you feel your deep cleansing would be good for my skin as it is that of an older face? I never have had any oil issues or acne as a teen or younger so wondered if this would be too much now with older tissue. Thanks.

    1. Hi Grammie!

      I personally believe that oil cleansing is wonderful for every age! There are wonderful properties in the oils that will nourish your skin. Since you have dry skin you may want to use something like olive oil as your base and about 10% castor oil. Sometimes I mix other oils with my base as well. Good options would be jojoba and evening primrose. Of course, keeping it simple with just castor oil and olive oil will still be wonderful. :-) If you try this out, I'd love to know what you think about it.

  25. Hi Pam! I just found your site and am really enjoying it! I am new to the oil cleansing method and am just starting to experiment.I just made your eye moisturizer with coconut oil. I used LouAna pure coconut oil.Is that brand ok? I have been using olive oil to moisturizer at night but was wondering if the eye cream could be used as a face moisturizer also? What would you recommend as a daily moisturizer under my make-up? I tend to get oily during the day and think EVOO would be to much. what do you think? Thanks!

    1. Welcome! I started out using the LouAna brand coconut oil. It is ok, but can sometimes cause millia (little white bumps). I found that once I switched to an organic, extra-virgin brand that it was never an issue for me again. I believe it's probably because it's pure. It also makes an excellent moisturizer that is much lighter than the olive oil. Try the LouAna and see how it does for you. You may not get millia with it. If you find that you do, you can get organic extra-virgin coconut oil in most stores now or online.

  26. I just tried this for the first time and love the way my skin felt afterwards. One question (for now): I've been using organic coconut oil as a moisturizer and was wondering if it'd be too much oil after using the OCM. Thanks so much and really looking forward to clearer skin with this new method!!

    1. It really depends on your skin. Some people find that they don't need moisturizer after using the OCM. I, on the other hand, still do. If you tend to have drier skin, then you may still love the effects of coconut oil as a moisturizer afterwards.

  27. I do not know if it's just me or if everybody else experiencing problems with your website. It appears like some of the text in your posts are running off the screen. Can someone else please comment and let me know if this is happening to them too? This might be a issue with my internet browser because I've had this happen previously.


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  28. That's interesting! Can you please share more about it? Thank you.

    Natural Facial Cleansers

  29. I've been using this method to cleanse my face for the past few months and I have to say, after the initial shock of putting oil on my face, I love this method. I sometimes use baking soda with the oil for a nice exfoliating scrub. My Proactive days are over! This works just as well and isn't as drying.

  30. Looking forward to trying this cleanser. I'm so tired of wasting money on expensive products.

  31. Face Book has a few good pages you can try: Naturally Crunchy Betty & Wellness Mama are a couple of my favorites.


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