
Saturday, November 7, 2009

My New Rug!

I haven't posted about my house in a long time because...well, it's been a slooooowwwww process. I have lots of 'almost there' rooms and projects and very few that are 'completely finished'. I think that's an on-going story with home ownership, though.

But...I was excited to get something for my kitchen this week that I have been wanting for a really long time. You see, someone before us decided that the ultimate bomb de la bomb for kitchen flooring would be white tile. With white grout. Did I mention that it's stacked on top of 38 other layers of flooring? I'm not slamming that previous home owner's taste in flooring, bless their heart (I once heard a comedian named Steve Guyer say that 'bless your heart' was a nice way of saying 'you're an idiot', FYI.). And I'm not slamming your taste in flooring if you happen to have picked out white tile and white grout, bless your heart. What I am saying is that white tile and white grout would be about the last flooring that I would pick out - except for maybe a dirt floor. Did I mention that I have a black dog. You just can't hide black hair on white tile, bless my heart.

So...I needed a large rug for my kitchen. But not just any rug. It had to be durable because - HELLO-O, I cook in there! It also had to be easy to clean because - HELLO-O, I cook in there! That ruled out jute and wool and just about every other material except polypropylene. Have you priced large rugs lately? They are not. cheap.

And then...I received it in the mail. Those glorious pieces of colorful paper all joined together that some refer to as the Ballard Designs catalogue. It was in the midst of those pages of inspiration that I found my huckleberry. A black polypropylene indoor/outdoor rug with tan colored medallions. Perfecto! And, it was only $89.00. Cha-ching! Combine that with my coupon and I only paid $90 and change after shipping! We thought we were going to be looking at $350 - $400. Can I hear a hallelujah somebody?

But, it was out of stock. So, I was faced with a dilemma. Should I pick an alternate rug or wait 2 months for the one I originally wanted? Let me tell ya, I am so glad that I waited. Do you want to see it? OK, OK already!

Me thinks it makes a big improvement. I would have shown you a before picture of the floor, but I couldn't find one. I can assure you, though, it was U-G-L-Y YOU AIN'T GOT NO ALIBI YOU UGLY, HEY, HEY, YOU UGLY. Oh, wait. That was a song. It's still true for my floor, though. But it's not so ugly anymore now that it's not all naked and ashamed and stuff like that.

So, my kitchen is coming along slowly but surely. Once I get those cabinets painted she'll be done. Every little thing makes a big impact, though. Don't you think?

This concludes today's broadcast of Ramblings of a Happy Homemaker. Thanks for listening, bless your heart.



  1. Hallelujah...what a deal! I do like the look, and know exactly what you mean about white tile. It's infernally hard to keep spotless.

    So what color are you thinking about for the cabinets?

  2. lol great post and I love the rug.

  3. Yay! Like the rug. I wanna rug. You've seen my floors...I want lots and lots of rugs *wink*.


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