
Friday, May 29, 2009

An Excited Thank You

I wanted to send out a big, warm thank you to Rhoda at Southern Hospitality this morning. Yesterday she hosted the Crazy for Burlap Party that I participated in. I was amazed at all of the uses that creative people found to do with the stuff. If you missed it you can still get some ideas. Rhoda posted highlights from the party on her blog today. Guess who almost fell out of her chair with excitement when she saw the picture of her bathroom on there? :0)

So, thanks Rhoda, for a great party and for adding my shade to your highlights!


  1. Hi Pam, this time...(and only this time)you'll have to admit that Hubby was right: candles in bottles rock!
    Thank you soooo much for visiting and leaving warm words behind, we really appreciate it! Come back soon!
    Marcela & Clara

  2. Your bathroom looks great and I so appreciate your kind comments on my blog. Made me stand a little taller. (I think I am 5'2" now)
    Blessings to you!

  3. Congratulations on the bloggy shoutout! Way cool.

    The transformation of your bathroom was amazing. Truly. And for so little! You got skillz, woman!

    The bathrooms are the only rooms I haven't touched yet in our home (having fallen on my priority list), so you can bet I'm taking notes...especially with that hymn wallpaper (pun intended!). That was a great idea!


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