
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Can A Cavity Be Healed?

OK, y'all.  I have something really cool/freaky to share with you that happened to me yesterday. But first, you need a little back story. :0)

My dad was an auto worker, so we had AWESOME insurance when I was growing up.  This meant that I saw the dentist every six months for my entire growing up years. Then, as an adult I couldn't rely on Daddy's insurance. Unfortunately, Daddy's insurance is hard to come by. My husband's insurance rarely included dental, so I would go years without seeing a dentist. We all would. Anybody relate to that? 

About a year and a half to two years ago I got one of those fliers in the mail for a free cleaning and exam from a dental office. So, I made an appointment for me and Isaac to get our teeth cleaned. It was one of those offices with the newest high-tech equipment that probably cost a fortune and the bill gets passed along to the patients. Both of us had cavities. I don't remember which was which at this point, but one of us had four and the other had five. The estimate they gave us to get them filled was $800 and $900. That just seemed astronomical to me so I called around and found a much more reasonable dentist just around the corner from me. He had actually been recommended by our tax guy. First, I made Isaac an appointment. The dentist found all the same cavities that the high-tech place did using nothing more than his metal pokey thing and his training. We got Isaac's cavities filled for a third of the price it was going to cost us at the other place. Plus, we just love the dentist and hygienists that work there. They have this rare trait called bedside manner. Or, maybe it's personality. It could be that they just care more about their patients than raking in as much dough as possible. Whatever it is, it roped us in.

Well, after we got Isaac fixed up, we got Dad in there. He had some pretty serious dental work that needed to be fixed. My cavities could wait. And, wait they did. Until yesterday.

Now, remember, it's been a year and a half to two years since I had that initial exam that showed I had four or five cavities. In the mean time, we've been slowly making changes to our diet. When the dentist examined my teeth yesterday I only had one small cavity. He said it was very small - just how they like to catch them.  One cavity? Now under different circumstances I would be tempted to think that maybe he just didn't find the other ones without all of the new-fangled, high-tech equipment that the other place had. But remember, he found all of the same cavities that they said Isaac had.  

I've read in several places lately where cavities can actually be healed just like any other bone can be. Although, most mainstream dentists would disagree, the scientific proof is there and the research all started because of a dentist named Weston A. Price. Ever heard of Nourishing Traditions? Evidently, diet plays a crucial role. 

I can't put my finger on one specific thing that we've changed in our diet that would cause these results in my teeth, because we've made a lot of little changes. I began using traditional fats, eliminating most of the processed food we ate, began including coconut oil in my diet and recently we bought a pastured hog and half of a grass-fed cow. I make bone broth. We don't eat nearly as much bread as we used to and started taking fermented Cod Liver Oil.  We stopped using toothpaste that has fluoride in it and just used tooth soap for a while. Some of these things we've been doing for a while, some are more recent. And, we don't do any of these things perfectly. In fact, we still eat too much sugar. We're baby stepping. I think it must be working, though. Even though I can't see the effects of our changes on the outside as much, yet (That stubborn weight!) - the fact that my teeth are actually healing from cavities is pretty strong evidence to me that these are very healthy changes.

This is all pretty new and still wild to me. I never believed that a cavity could be healed because I'd never heard it was possible. I thought that once the damage was done that was the end of the story. But, after reading some about it, the possibility became believable. Especially when I started thinking about how God created our bodies to heal themselves. If a cut, wound or bone can heal - why not a tooth? And then I went to the dentist. I have seen the proof for myself.

Here are a few of links to articles on this in case you're interested in reading more about it.

So, what do you think? Have you ever heard of cavities being healed? Any thoughts you'd like to weigh in with?

I'm linking this up at Simple Lives ThursdayHomestead Barn Hop, and Your Green Resource.


  1. I just stopped by from Sorta Crunchy. This is so interesting! I have been thinking about getting a copy of Nourishing Traditions, but honestly I'm a little afraid of all the changes it might bring. Do I really have time to be fermenting?! I don't know, but I will definitely consider it more now.

    1. Shannon, I'm so glad you dropped by! Honestly, I'm not even fermenting, yet - unless you count water kefir which we've been drinking for a few months now. When I was first introduced to the Nourishing Traditions lifestyle, I was completely overwhelmed. I just started making changes one step at a time. There are still many areas that I haven't tackled, yet - like eating organ meat and soaking grains. But, after my visit to the dentist yesterday I'm very encouraged that each little step we take makes an impact on our health. I would just encourage to pick one thing that you think is attainable, like buying good butter, for instance and do that until it feels natural to you. Then, pick something else, knowing that you're doing one more thing right. I once heard someone say that if we do the do's, the don'ts will take care of themselves. :0) Good luck to you!

    2. This is totally awesome! Congratulations! I too am babystepping...on the way to better health before trying for a second baby in fact. The little one I have now is a sweetheart and he has a lot to deal with, being 2 months preemie and cleft lip and palate plus he seems to not tolerate casein. Hoping life will be easier on baby 2 with all the changes. Water kefir is definitely fermenting. I've started milk kefir and soon kombucha. It all helps.

  2. What an interesting course of events! First, I can definitely relate to your dental insurance experiences. Been there done that myself.

    Secondly, I've also been reading a lot about healing cavities lately.

    It was reassuring to read your experience from someone I "know". :) It gives me hope that even without doing a traditional diet completely there can be hope and healthy benefits.

    Like your family we're still baby-stepping ourselves away from sugar and I don't soak my grains, and....well you get the picture.

    1. Kari,

      I know what you mean about hearing something like this from someone you "know". :0) Since there's still so much room for improvement and things that I know we still do that are not good, well...I was shocked by the results of my exam. So, take heart! Even though you may not feel that you're getting results, I'm sure you are in so many ways. Keep on keeping on, Sister!

  3. I've never heard of it, but I looove the idea. Saving money on dental visits? YES PLEASE!

  4. Yes, it is very possible. Cavities can be healed by eating raw butter and taking a teaspoon of fermented cod liver oil. Cod liver is a good source of vitamin D, which attacks oral bacteria. Moreover, vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin, which is essential for promoting calcium absorption and enables normal mineralization of teeth. Therefore, it’s okay to expose yourself to the sun for about five to thirty minutes, but make sure to put sun screen on your skin for protection. It's amazing how a simple art of nature heals cavities.

    1. I hope you realize that sunscreen blocks all vitamin D production silly. It's the sunshine vitamin because your body uses sunlight to produce a hormone from the vitamin D that is useable in every cell of your body. Sunscreen only "protects" you from all the benefits. They key is to enjoy moderate, non burning sun exposure for all of the benefits and none of the risks. Yay! Enjoy.

  5. just in-case you dont know - fluoride is a toxic carcinogine and is terrible for you (us) the "science behind it being good to put into toothpaste and our kids' drinking water was founded on false science = you can go to youtube and search "the fluoride deception and watch the videos that explain it all in great detail! after i watched 0 started making my own toothpaste for my family (i had 13 cavities last year) i'm hoping i have far less on my checkup in a couple of months! - thanks for you awesome site Pam!!! xoxoxo

    1. Hi! Thanks for commenting! Yes, you're right about flouride being carcinogenic. Most countries have banned it even from their water supplies. So, I make sure that we use toothpaste without flouride, although my dentist is none the wiser about that .;-) I have not seen the video, "The Flouride Deception". I hope you don't have any cavities this year!! Thanks for weighing in, again!

  6. Have you made a blog focusing more in depth of how you changed your diet, where you bought that food, how you prepared it, etc? I have no idea where to start... when I go buy food, I just grab what I want or what I need. I floss and brush my teeth everyday, but apparently that's not enough for my "soft teeth". I've read up on this tonight, and everywhere I go I've read "eat unprocessed food, fish, bone marrow"... I just have no idea where to look for things like that (which may be at the stores I go to, I just haven't noticed them!). Anyway, thanks for the great post, and can't wait to do more research on it!

    1. Hi there!

      No, I don't have a separate blog about my diet. There have been a few things sprinkled in this one on the subject, but it's really not something that I write in-depth about. Basically, it boils down to getting back to eating traditional, whole foods. The standard for this is the work of Weston Price and there is a link in this post to "Nourishing Traditions" - a book/cookbook that gives an in-depth look at why this is so important, Weston Prices' findings and the science behind it and then lots and lots of recipes. It's pretty much the gold standard in the whole foods life-style. With that being said, it's a pretty heady book. No casual reading there. I could only read it in chunks when I knew I would be totally undistracted and have a highlighter in hand. I would recommend starting with Nina Planck's book, "Real Food". It is totally readable and simplifies everything in a completely non-overwhelming way. She gives you enough science that it makes sense without making your brain hurt. :-) Then, I would move on to Michael Pollan's book, "In Defense of Food".

      I wrote a post with my top real food sources. It includes more in-depth descriptions of these books and I also share my favorite real-food blogs. You can read it here -

      There is much more information out there, but these are simply the best I've found from what I've actually read so far.

      Good luck on your journey and thanks for reading!

  7. Cavities can be slowly eliminated with proper dental hygiene through regular brushing, flossing and gargling mouthwash. Also, be very careful of what you eat. Avoid sugary foods and sodas. If you’re going to chew gum, choose the one that contains xylitol, a sugar alternative that slows down the development of cavities.

    1. Great advice, Jamie! I'm definitely a believer now! Thanks for your input!


  8. I had a small cavitY in my tooth, after reading that butter oil could heal cavaties I started eating toast with liberal amounts of butter ensuring that I was smothering the tooth in question, amazingly after a week the hole has closed up. I really do believe that the butter helped my tooth to heal. I would definitely recommend trying this as it worked for me.

    1. I have also read about that! I have read that butter oil works especially well with Fermented Cod Liver Oil. Although, I haven't tried the two together, we do use real butter here. I am so glad to hear that it worked so quickly for you! I love that more people are stepping up and getting the word out that cavities CAN be healed! Thanks so much for your input!

  9. Hey Pam, great article. I found small steps worked great for me too... and the better I feel, the better I feel. Superfoods! I fully agree about sun exposure. Of course we're in the heart of winter here in MA, but as soon as possible I get myself in the sun for a half hour a day or so with only organic coconut oil on my skin. It's amazing for health and happiness. Sunshine should be listed as a superfood. The other thing I would suggest, living spring water. If you can find a source, it is a truly amazing, free gift from nature to you and your family. I've found it really healing and energizing. Great article. Thanks.

    1. Hi Tristan!

      Thanks for weighing in! I'll read that article on living spring water when I get a chance!

  10. Great article, exactly what I wanted to find.

  11. I learned this lesson about cavities way too late in life, and I learned that dentists don't always know best too late as well. Dr. Weston Price's book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration is the single most influential book I have ever read. I have never had a "toothache" in my life, however, too many high priced dentists have found "cavities" that needed to be filled and I went along with it blindly. I wish I had read that book 30 years ago. Once a dentist drills a tooth... you can't take it back. Preventive dentistry is what pays a dentist's bills. I am very happy I found this in time for my own children... I have 5 children from 3 to 13 and none have ever had a cavity so far (knock on wood) and their teeth are coming in straight and with enough room so far as well. While I as a kid had many cavities, needed braces by the 6th grade and had 4 permanent teeth pulled to make room in my mouth.

    1. I often find that some of my best learned lessons are ones I wish I would have learned sooner. :-) I'm glad that you are changing things for your children. Sometimes that's all we can do... Thanks for commenting!

  12. That's it? I'm totally changing my diet! Tomorrow ?im gonna go and buy cod liver oil? I'd like to buy butter oil, but I am not from America, so I can't buy it everywhere. Thanks for this post!

  13. I found a cavity on the root of one of my upper teeth, and you know it's because of the dental insurance bill that we can't afford the things the money to the dental insurance bill would buy. And it doesn't even cover what we need!

    So I did some research, found out about this, and got some cod liver oil. I didn't eat it. I brushed my teeth with it.

    A couple of weeks later, I can't find that cavity. I know it was there. My fingernail could hang in it. But I can't find it. I don't know if it was a figment of my imagination or maybe it's still there, but I'm convinced.

    1. WOW, Katrina!!! What an amazing testimony!! Thank you SO much for sharing!

    2. Hi Katrina, was the cod liver oil you used fermented?

  14. A number of years ago I had a cavity diagnosed by a very modern and "thorough" dentist after not having been to one in about 5 years, so I wasn't surprised. But I hated the people in that dental office and ended up walking out at my 2nd appointment, before they filled it. I too was in the middle of a dietary overhaul at that time, reading Nourishing Traditions and The Maker's Diet, getting rid of all processed food, eating real fats, etc. Well, it took me about 6 months to get around to finding a new dentist, and I was bracing myself for the news that I had more cavities and/or it was bigger. But he couldn't find it! Said I had excellent teeth, and kept asking me what kind of toothbrush/paste I used. I asked for another dentist in the office to look (after all, 6 months earlier I had a cavity needing filling!) and she said there was no sign of decay either. My hygiene had not changed in any way, only my diet. So I can attest to this being possible.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Edie!! That is awesome! I'm a believer. :-)

  15. Hi! I have been giving my 2 year old daughter the fermented cod liver oil/butter oil for about 10 days for her cavities. So far no progress. I read on here others actually seemed to put it right on their teeth (in stead of or in addition to ingesting it)?? I am just wondering if I should try this, do I rinse her mouth after applying it (as you would if you were using normal tooth paste)? Or just leave it on? If so, how long?
    Thanks a lot.....
    A desperate mommy ;)

    1. Honestly, I'm not even close to being an expert on this. I haven't even read the books on the subject - just a couple of blog posts that piqued my interest. I was simply sharing my story here. I would think that it would take a while for the cavities to start filling in, though. Ten days seems pretty short to see results. I know diet also plays a big role. I'm sorry I don't have an answer for as to using the CLO/butter oil on her teeth and how to do that. This book is supposed to be very informative - I hope you find the answers you are looking for!

      Good luck!

  16. Us parents try to control what our children eat but that's never easy. Anyway, I heard something about those cavity fighting lollipops 7 years ago but never found them in the stores. Found a youtube video talking about it.

  17. hi,
    Your post is really interesting, I want to know if I can use vitaminD2 instead of cod liver oil because it's not available here

  18. Quite encouraged to try cod liver oil we can't have butter due to a dairy intolerance no idea if we can get fermented oil...I'll be making more broth too.


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