
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kickin' Crab Dip

I'm baa-aack!  I feel like I've been gone for stinkin' ever!  I had a wonderful extended stay with my family in Michigan over Christmas and the New Year.  My entire family spends Christmas Eve together and then Christmas Day is a little more intimate at my sister's house with both of our families, our parents and her in-laws.  I was able to get in some quality 'cousin' time during the week.  Then, New Year's Eve is always a big bash with the entire family and friends that also qualify as family.  It was really nice.  I haven't been able to be a part of the New Year's Eve shin-dig since I was a teenager.  Isaac was overjoyed to be saturated with cousins for a week and a half.  And, he still wasn't really anxious to get home. :0)  My hubby had to come home to his J.O.B. during the week, but still had two long weekends up there.  Though I missed him during that time, it was still nice to log some family time. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year as well!  

I'm ready to get back into the swing of things here on the blog.  I have a couple of exciting things in the works that I'll share as the time comes.  But, I'm going to be working my buttocks off on one of them in particular over the course of the next 4 to 6 weeks to get it going.  I'm really stoked about it and can't wait to share it with you!  But, enough about that.  Today I want to share a recipe with you.

This is a crab dip that is so creamy and yummy.  It's really easy, especially if you have a small crock pot.  Although, it would be perfect for gatherings like Christmas and New Year's Eve, eh-hem (slightly late for that), it would still be great for something like a game night.  I've even made it as a snacky lunch.


2, 8 oz. blocks cream cheese
2 sticks of butter
1/4 c. chopped green onion
6 oz. can of mushrooms, drained and chopped
1 pound of crab meat, finely chopped (can be imitation)
Tony Chacheres Original Creole Seasoning, to taste

My original recipe says to melt the cream cheese and butter on low in a small sauce pan, then to add the rest of the ingredients and allow to meld together for 15 minutes.  That is certainly fine.  But...I find it much easier to just throw them all together in a small crock pot and let it do it's thang. :0)  

Once it's all nice and melty (some of the butter will float on the top), stir it and serve it up with French bread, toast points or your choice of crackers.  This stuff is so good it would be awesome served over top of pasta for a hearty meal as well.


This recipe can easily be halved for a smaller amount.

Although I left a link for the Tony Chachere's seasoning, it is usually carried in the spice isle at the grocery store.

Since my family has had to go gluten-free, I was thrilled to come across these crackers.  I first spotted them at Whole Foods, but have even seen them at Meijers.  I think any store that has a semi-decent selection of gluten-free products would carry them.  And, they also come in several different flavors.

Happy 2012, y'all!

I'm linking this post with Teach Me Tuesdays and These Chicks Cooked.


  1. This looks great! Do you think canned crab meat would work here or should I go for the refrigerated stuff like the imitation you mentioned?

  2. Wow this sounds SO delicious! I'm going to make it this weekend! Thanks so much for posting :)

  3. Torie ~ I don't have any experience with canned crab. But, if you use it and like it, I don't see why it wouldn't work. :0)

  4. Mmm, nut thins. Much better than most of the other cardboard crackers that are gluten free. The best crackers are homemade ones though. I still have to play with recipes that are a bit healthier than the half-cheese, half-rice ones that I love.


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